Ένα από τα πιο δημοφιλή σχέδια tattoo είναι και τα κρανία. Σύμβολα του θανάτου και της θνησιμότητας. Όμως, μπορεί κανείς να χρησιμοποιήσει την εικόνα ενός κρανίου με διαφορετική ερμηνεία όπως:
- Προστασία
- Δύναμη
- Αναγέννηση
- Νίκη
- Μια προηγούμενη άσχημη φάση της ζωής μας
- Ενα παλιό κεφάλαιο που έκλεισε
Skulls Of Protection
Skulls are also used throughout ancient art as a protective symbol. Often they would adorn the outside of tempels and buildings to ward off evil spirits.
For many religions and cutlures skulls hold a very significant place also. Just think of the Hindu god Kali or even Shiva who adorn themselves in necklaces of human skulls. They are showing their strentgh and power over life and through destorying come rebrith and regenration.
Many of us are also familiar with the bright skull and skeleton images that go along with Mexico's celebration of the Day of The Dead. In fact much of Latin, Central and South America celebrate the day of the dead.
Latin SymbolismIn Latin the saying of "Memento Mori" roughly translates as "remeber everyone must die" This is not to be morbid or sick and focus on death but it is actually meant to focus on life. It is very much like the old Samurai of Japan that would frequently state today is a good day to die. For the Japanese Samurai saying this means I need to live today to the fullest becuase life is passing and quickly gone so I should not live with regrets. A skull tattoo can have the same meaning and symbolism behind it.
Skulls are also used throughout ancient art as a protective symbol. Often they would adorn the outside of tempels and buildings to ward off evil spirits. A skull tattoo can be worn to do the same and in fact many gambelers will have skull imagery to ward off bad luck.Skull tattoos dont just have to be worn by rebellous tough guys that like to kick a@@. They can also be used to remind a person to celebrate life.
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